The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Brand Development: What Georgian Marketing Specialists Can Learn from Puma’s Example
Puma-ს მიერ ხელოვნური ინტელექტის (AI) გამოყენება ბრენდის განვითარებისთვის და მომხმარებელთან ურთიერთობის გაუმჯობესებისთვის წარმოადგენს თანამედროვე მარკეტინგული მიდგომების წარმატებულ მაგალითს. ამ გამოცდილების შესწავლა ქართველ მარკეტინგის სპეციალისტებს დაეხმარება ციფრული მარკეტინგის მიმართულებით ახალი გამოცდილების
Protecting Your Eyes During Extended Screen Time: The Myth of Blue Light Glasses and Real Recommendations
Spending extended periods of time in front of phone and computer screens has become an inseparable part of modern life, which significantly impacts eye health. In Georgia, both adolescents and
IT Export Boom in Georgia and Global Trends
IT services exports from Georgia have significantly increased in recent years, reaching 1.77 billion GEL in 2023. According to a report by Galt & Taggart, the total revenue of the
The Dominance of Agricultural Imports and the Potential for Local Production in Georgia
The state of Georgia’s agricultural sector highlights both the country’s opportunities and challenges related to low local production volumes and high import rates. From January to July 2024, according to
Where and How Georgian Tourists Spend Their Money
In the first half of 2024, Georgian citizens made an average of 361,300 visits abroad each month, with average monthly expenditures totaling 349.9 million GEL. These figures highlight the main
The New Boom in Cargo Transportation through the Middle Corridor
In the first half of 2024, the volume of cargo transported through the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), also known as the Middle Corridor, increased 14-fold compared to the same